When I was 10 years of age, as hormones started changing in my body, I started to experience horrible acne and so many hormone issues. I started to get so self-conscious about my appearance because people would think I had allergies or a medical condition, I just felt so horrible when I would look in the mirror. For years I would apply different herbs to my skin, steam with rose, and calendula, do diets oil-free, gluten-free, etc. with no results. People would tell me it looked like I had a constellation of stars in my face, because of all the terrible red inflamed dots in my face.
This horrible reality would follow me until age 21 when a doctor, who changed my life, checked my symptoms and realized the link between PCOS (hormonal imbalances) and acne. She then shared a simple, yet life-transforming recipe, which you will find details in the article and research paper below, that I wrote in 2013, almost a year after putting it into practice what she shared with me.
Together with her wise advice about whole foods, and some herbal supplementation with blood-purifying ingredients, my life started changing in just a few weeks. People started to see that my skin was clear, my face was glowing with new life and since then I can say, I'm forever grateful for this kind doctor who saw my need and shared her wisdom! Now I'm 12 years acne-free and so happy!
Some of the herbs I use: dandelion (blood purifier), witch hazel (reduces swelling and inflammation), vitamin C (antioxidant), and garlic (antibacterial). We are putting together a formula in capsule form to help those fighting acne like I did. As soon as it's out, we can send you a notification if you message us here on the website or email us at: nathealingproject@gmail.com
What is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), is one of the main hormonal problems found among women.1This syndrome includes an unbalanced production and regulation of female sex hormones, with an increased level of androgens.2 Statistics show that 1 in 10 females between ages 11-50 is suffering from it. Here in the United States, 5 million women have been diagnosed with it,3but the main cause of this syndrome is not yet found. The National Institute of Health mentions some of the symptoms including obesity, anxiety and depression, hirsutism (excess hair growth), acne, oily skin, unbalanced hormone levels, pelvic pain, cysts in the ovaries, and sleep apnea.4PCOS has been classified as a non-reversible disease, but now researches are showing that there are natural ways to reverse it naturally.
Risks involved with PCOS
There are many risks involved with PCOS, but we will cover some of the main ones of concern. Esther Eisenberg, an M.D., and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Vanderbilt University explains the high risk of infertility or complications while pregnant when PCOS is present. Some of the main complications are gestational diabetes, increased high blood pressure, premature delivery, and miscarriage. Also, there are many life-threatening diseases that are greatly increased when a person has PCOS. Some recent studies have found that more than half from those who have PCOS also have diabetes, 4-7 times higher risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure, higher levels of LDL cholesterol and cancer.5
Natural ways to treat PCOS
One of the natural approaches to reverse PCOS is exercise, which can help in many different ways. Lauren Clark, a registered and licensed dietician, in her article published on Live Strong, explains that one of the key remedies for PCOS is exercise.6“Choose three to five days out of each week that you can devote to 30 to 60 minutes of exercise... this provides maximum prevention against PCOS-related diabetes, heart disease, and obesity, according to personal trainer Katie Humphrey of Freedom From PCOS.”7Exercise helps burn fats, in this way reducing weight, regulating insulin production, at the same time reducing androgen levels, helping to reverse some of the main complications. As well, exercise brings hormones to normal levels naturally, helping improve their metabolism and functions.8
Also, it’s very important to realize the significance of a good diet. A balanced diet, mainly of whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables must be included. Sugary foods or a lot of starchy foods, affect your glucose levels and influence in your body’s metabolism, influencing insulin resistance and increasing the risk for other degenerative diseases. Carbohydrates can be included in the diet as long as they are mainly complex carbohydrates, which are high in fiber. Foods high in complex carbohydrates and fiber include whole-grains, beans, cereals, rice and also high fiber is found in fresh fruits and vegetables. These kinds of foods will be digested slowly, and also sugar levels will be balanced out, helping to control diabetes and other chronic diseases. 9
CANTALOUPE- Best fruit for women’s health One of the best fruits discovered for a women’s health is cantaloupe, because of its properties. It is high in vitamins A and C, which help to increase immunity, antioxidant levels, and overall health. “Cantaloupes also contain Myo-inositol, a lipid that helps with anxiety, insomnia, and hardening of the arteries. Cantaloupes contain the greatest amount of digestive enzymes. Melons are recommended by the American Cancer Society as powerful agents in the fight against intestinal cancer and the all-too-common skin cancer, melanoma.”10
Inositol is a key nutrient to balance many functions in our body. It’s highly effective to combat stress, anxiety and mental disorders and helping regulate other hormones such as serotonin. “In a study published in the 1999 issue of ‘The New England Journal of Medicine’, lead author Dr. Nestle and his team investigated the use of inositol in the woman with PCOS. The team found that 1200 mg of inositol a day, for 6 to 8 weeks, improved insulin utilization and ovulatory function, and decreased male hormones and blood pressure levels.”11
There are many benefits to cantaloupes, which are usually unknown. In the first place, the high amounts of vitamin A help to maintain a healthy skin and eyes. One single cup of cantaloupe can provide more vitamin A than the RDI for the day, which helps to maintain a healthy skin, preventing wrinkles and reducing acne production. Also, vitamin C helps to fight infections and heal wounds faster. Besides, cantaloupes are high in potassium and magnesium essential to help balance blood pressure, prevent cramps and heart attacks and also reduce stress by maintaining a good heart health. One cup of cantaloupes gives 1/3 of the daily- recommended amount of potassium needed. Furthermore, it has good amounts of folate together with vitamins that help improve fertility. Adenosine found in cantaloupes also helps regulate menstrual periods.12
Personal testimonies
There is nothing like experiencing the benefits and listening to testimonies from others who tried it. A naturist doctor from Brazil knew the benefits from cantaloupe and highly recommended a diet base on cantaloupes. She had PCOS when young, and was completely cured of it. Together with other lifestyle changes, a supper with only eating cantaloupe was added, or one 8-10oz glass of cantaloupe juice 3 hours before breakfast. The main thing was to have it by itself and with a pretty much empty stomach to receive better results and good absorption. Faithfully done for 3-4 months could reverse PCOS, destroy ovary tumors, regulate hormones, and improve overall health. My aunt, who suffered from cysts in the ovaries, tried the diet and found excellent results; the cysts were gone! Another young woman who could not get pregnant tried it for 3 months with much success. Personally, I had been fighting acne for years, and in August of 2011 I tried the diet and after 4 months, I was acne-free, and until now no more acne is found in my face! Finally, a lady who had an ovary tumor was able to destroy it naturally. Including cantaloupe in the diet brings many health benefits, and a specific diet with it can help increase the benefits faster.
IT’s up to YOU!
PCOS is a worldwide epidemic but there are ways to reverse it naturally. Once diagnosed with it or even having the main symptoms, the simple health tips can be put into practice. First, a regular exercise program needs to be included to help maintain a good body weight, hormone balance, and health in general. Secondly, a good diet has to be included full of fresh fruit and vegetables, and whole grains. Lastly, but not least is to do the 3-4 month cantaloupe intense diet to provide sufficient amounts of main nutrients including, vitamins A and C, inositol, potassium, and folate. Even though PCOS includes many health issues, they can be reverse naturally by a faithful lifestyle change.
Notes 1. Wikipedia, “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,” Wikipedia Encyclopedia(May 22, 2013), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCOS(accessed May 22, 2013). 2. PubMed Health, “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,” U.S. National Library of Medicine(February 26, 2012), http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001408/(accessed May 21, 2013). 3. Esther Eisenberg, “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Fact Sheet,”Womenshealth.gov(March 17, 2010), http://womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/polycystic-ovary- syndrome.cfm(accessed May 22, 2013). 4. Eisenberg, 2010 5. Eisenberg, 2010 6. Lauren Clark, “The Best Diet for Women with PCOS,” Live Strong(September 1, 2011), http://www.livestrong.com/article/527704-the-best-diet-for-women-with- pcos/#ixzz2URkWS3rZ(accessed May 23, 2013) 7. Lillian Downey, “How to Exercise if You Have PCOS,” Live Strong (August 17, 2011), http://www.livestrong.com/article/516770-how-to-exercise-if-you-have-pcos/#ixzz2Ucq9o7CX 8.Lauren Clark, 2011 9.Mayo Clinic Staff, “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome,” Mayo Clinic (August 4, 2011), http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/DS00423/DSECTION=lifestyle- and-home-remedies(accessed May 22, 2012). 10. Ron Lagerquist, “Cantaloupe Juice,” The Juice Nuthttp://www.thejuicenut.com/cantaloupe_juice_the_juice_nut.aspx(accessed March 20, 2013). 11. Lilian Downey, "Benefits and Side Effects of Inositol", Live Strong (August 7, 2011) http://www.livestrong.com/article/152537-benefits-and-side-effects-of inositol/#ixzz2UczktyGB(May 28, 2013). 12. Mak G, “Health Benefits of Cantaloupes,” Health Benefits(September 16, 2012), http://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/health-benefits-of-cantaloupes/(accessed May 22, 2013).
Bibliography Clark, Lauren. “The Best Diet for Women with PCOS.” Live Strong(September 1, 2011). http://www.livestrong.com/article/527704-the-best-diet-for-women-with- pcos/#ixzz2URkWS3rZ(accessed May 23, 2013) Cooper, Kelli. “Inositol and its Benefits on PCOS.” Live Strong(Jul 10, 2011). http://www.livestrong.com/article/488700-inositol-its-benefits-on-pcos/#ixzz2TxHblvLj(accessed May 23, 2013). Downey, Lillian. “Benefits and Side Effects of Inositol.” Live Strong (August 17, 2011). http://www.livestrong.com/article/152537-benefits-and-side-effects-of-inositol/#ixzz2UczktyGB(May 28, 2013). Eisenberg, Esther. “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Fact Sheet.” Womenshealth.gov(March 17, 2010). http://womenshealth.gov/publications/our-publications/fact-sheet/polycystic-ovary- syndrome.cfm(accessed May 22, 2013). G, Mak. “Health Benefits of Cantaloupes.” Health Benefits(September 16, 2012). http://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/health-benefits-of-cantaloupes/(accessed May 22, 2013). Lagerquist, Ron. “Cantaloupe Juice.” The Juice Nuthttp://www.thejuicenut.com/cantaloupe_juice_the_juice_nut.aspx(accessed March 20, 2013). Mayo Clinic Staf. “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.” Mayo Clinic(August 4, 2011). http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/polycystic-ovary-syndrome/DS00423/DSECTION=lifestyle- and-home-remedies(accessed May 22, 2012). PubMed Health. “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.”U.S. National Library of Medicine(February 26, 2012). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001408/(accessed May 21, 2013). Wikipedia. “Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.” Wikipedia Encyclopedia(May 22, 2013). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCOS(accessed May 22, 2013).